CompleteEASE Data Analysis Short Course


J.A. Woollam Co. Headquarters, Lincoln NE


April 12-14, 2016 (Tues.-Thurs.)


9am-5pm each day (Registration begins at 8:30am on April 12)

The J.A. Woollam Company is proud to announce a data analysis course designed for CompleteEASE users.  We will introduce the fundamentals of data analysis at a beginner to intermediate level. All details will be described using the latest CompleteEASE software (currently version 5.13). This version of software will be provided to all attendees to take home with them after the course. This course is not intended for users that work with other software packages, such as WVASE or VASEManager. As with our other analysis courses participants will work computer examples throughout all sessions.

Please note this short course requires participants to bring their own laptop (Mac or Windows).

Day 1: Intro to Ellipsometry

  • Basic theory
  • Overview of Data Analysis Strategies
  • Transparent layers
  • Cauchy Dispersion
  • Thickness PreFit
  • Global Fit
  • Roughness
  • Index Grading

Day 2: Intermediate Analysis

  • Parameterize Layer
  • Semi-Absorbing Films
  • Wavelength Expansion Fits
  • B-Spline
  • Gen-Osc
  • Oscillator Model Theory

Day 3: Advanced Topics & Review

  • Fitting SE + Transmission
  • Non-idealities: thickness non-uniformity, bandwidth, backsurface reflections & depolarization
  • Multiple-Sample Analysis
  • Review

If you have questions please contact Alex Wilkason at


Registration for this course has been closed.